Our Education Commitment


At A. Bui Consulting, our core goal is to work toward producing net positives across the tech industry and throughout the world. More than providing services and products we ethically believe in, this means us working to give back to vulnerable and underserved communities.

We are grateful for the connection we've had with Lovingkindness Vietnam, an incredible group performing critical work in Vietnam's orphanages. Through their organization, A. Bui Consulting has been able to cover the education and healthcare costs of two wonderful orphanages in Vietnam: Sunflower and Phu Quang, both located in the town of Nha Trang.

To learn about our work in this space (or how you can join the cause), reach out: giveback@abuiconsulting.com.


Sunflower Orphanage in Nha Trang, Vietnam. See full post here.

Phu Quang Orphanage in Nha Trang, Vietnam. See full post here.

All photos courtesy of LovingKindess Vietnam.

Note from Anvi:

Those in my close network (or, those who have at one point asked about my family's history) are aware of the personal and professional “why" in my life.

Like many other Vietnamese-Americans, most of my family came to the US as refugees of war in the late 70’s (after the fall of Saigon). For us first-generation Việts, this meant growing up intricately aware and entwined with the plights of “our people” in Vietnam... seeing them as only separated from us by circumstance. And as the Vietnamese proverb goes: Uống nước, nhớ nguồn: "drink the water, but remember the source."

My life has been imbued by both a sense of deep gratitude (to my family for their sacrifice) and identification to those still experiencing hardships in Vietnam. It resonates even more deeply every time my family or I go back to Vietnam to visit the rural villages or orphanages.

I’m grateful to be able to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams (helping ensure all children have access to education opportunities) by supporting incredible organizations working directly in these communities.


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