
Living life at the intersection of business and technology.


I’m Anvi. Thanks for the opportunity to share my story and what I can do for you.

Born in Portland, Oregon (the city of roses)—I spent years working with clients and companies across the US (but predominantly in Silicon Valley) before moving to Austin, Texas in 2014. I guess you can say I love living in places that ‘keep it weird’!

Over the course of my career: I’ve gone from MarTech startup, to boutique agency, to full-service creative agency, to the corporate enterprise (specializing in hi-tech), to (now) independent consulting—can I say that this has been my favorite? Here, I’m able to offer my services as an advisor and focused resource to anyone needing Marketing Technology support—no matter the scale or complexity of the work. I decided to re-enter consulting for one reason: the joy of working with clients!

I can’t wait to start innovating together.

Anvi Bui, MBA

E: anvi@abuiconsulting.com

"My #1 piece of advice: don’t just deprioritize digital marketing if your fear is “biting off too much, too fast.”
You absolutely can test the viability of your ideas with low-risk, “bite-sized” programs—only increasing in scale after you realize returns on your initial investment."

-Anvi Bui, A. Bui Consulting